Webinar: Eco Retrofit in conservation areas 

Thursday 22 February, 10am-11.30am, FREE, Book your place here
Join Community Energy South for a free webinar exploring what householders need to address, and how much planning leeway local authorities have, when looking to eco-retrofit a property in a conservation area, including listed buildings.

With domestic households estimated to be responsible for over 20% of UK carbon emissions we can all play a role in reducing our impact on the climate.  But retrofitting in conservation areas can be complicated. What comes first: conservation concerns, or tackling building-related carbon emissions?

This online 90-minute session will look at how much local authorities can waver from statutory obligations and if there are ways to work around requirements and obligations so that householders in conservation areas are able to tackle their domestic emissions.

Come and hear from the experience of Bath Community and West in how to tackle retrofit in listed buildings, and share your experiences and discussion points.

Speakers include:

Jonathan Ashe, JA ArchitectsOverview of barriers to energy efficiency measures for householders in conservation areas: are there routes to resolution?

 Sarah Buckingham, Sustainable Design & Heritage Team Leader Planning & Place, Royal Borough of Kensington & ChelseaHow to use building controls & consent orders to enable easy take up of retrofit on historic buildings. 

Sara Grimes, Bath & West Community Energy Leading the way in historic homes retrofit:  Our LEAD project an overview.