Groups & affiliates

A number of groups and community organisations have come out of projects started by Transition Town Lewes to tackle the key challenges of living more sustainably. There are also a range of local organisations that we look to promote and work with closely. If your organisation would like to partner with us, email us at


The Ouse Valley Energy Services Company came out of the Transition Town Lewes energy group and is now involved in creating community-owned renewable energy projects across East Sussex, helping our county reduce its reliance on imported energy and cut its carbon footprint.


Lewes Friday Food Market

Members of the Transition Town Lewes food group decided they wanted to resurrect the weekly food market held at the historic Market Tower in Lewes. Now run independently as a not-for-profit company, the market is held every Friday to promote fresh, seasonal food from local growers and food enterprises.


The Lewes Pound

The Lewes Pound works on the principle that money spent locally stays local (whereas money spent in national chains quickly exits our town, leaving it poorer). The Lewes Pound is accepted by many local shops and businesses. Sterling can be swapped for Lewes pounds in a range of denominations and eye-catching designs at a number of issuing points.


Plastic Free Lewes

Established by Transition Town Lewes in 2017 to help tackle plastic pollution, Plastic Free Lewes hosts talks and films, lobbies government, and works with local businesses, schools and other organisations to reduce use of single-use plastic. Everyone is invited to sign the Plastic Free Lewes Pledge – showing how they are cutting unnecessary plastic out of their lives.


Litter Free Lewes

Litter entering our waterways and natural habitats has becoming a growing environmental problem – especially plastic that can release toxins and take centuries to degrade. Litter Free Lewes holds regular litter-picks and raises awareness of the problems caused by littering.


Keep It In the Ground Lewes

Affiliated to Divest East Sussex, KIIGL encourages major local investors such as council pension funds to put pressure on fossil fuel producers by selling out of (‘divesting’) their share-holdings in oil, coal and gas companies. Contact Arnold Simanowitz on 01273 480011 or email to learn more.


Community Energy South

Created by the founders of Ovesco (see above), CES helps to design and deliver community clean energy projects across the south-east of England, and acts as a hub for local community energy groups.


East Sussex Credit Union

Transition Town Lewes has long championed our local credit union – based in Brighton & Hove – as a means to save and borrow ethically and in a way that directly benefits the local communities across East Sussex.


Brighton Chalk Management Partnership (ChaMP)

We work with both Lewes District Council and ChaMP on natural solutions to managing surface flooding and nitrates in the groundwater that provides local drinking water. Projects include designing rain gardens and planters, and increasing awareness of the flooding risks created by hard paving and loss of biodiversity in gardens and towns.