Great Big Lewes Litter Pick

Sunday 17 March, 10.30am –12 midday, meet at The Gallops entrance on Nevill Road

As part of Lewes Climate Hub’s Rethink Rubbish season, Litter Free Lewes is organising a litter-picking event on Sunday 17th March, starting at the entrance to The Gallops on Nevill Road at 10.30 a.m. and collecting litter by various routes to finish at Cliffe High Street.

Anybody can join in – just sign up on the Litter Free Lewes Facebook group or contact so that enough equipment can be provided. If you have your own equipment, just turn up with it on the day!

If you are part of another litter-picking group, for example, in Malling or Landport, or if you go out litter-picking as a group of family or friends during March, it would be great if you could send Litter Free Lewes photographs and let it know how many bags of rubbish you collected so that it can count up a Lewes total for the month!


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