Trinity St John sub Castro, Abinger Place, Lewes, BN7 2QA, Mon-Fri 10am-12noon
Together with the Lewes food banks, Trinity Church and other local agencies, Lewes Coronavirus Volunteers (LCVV) have established a new food hub to help support those who need emergency food supplies during the coronavirus pandemic. This will work in a similar way to local food banks, with those needing emergency food supplies being referred to the hub.
The hub will be open Mon-Fri 10am-12noon at Trinity St John sub Castro, Abinger Place, Lewes, BN7 2QA.
LCVV is initially asking people to request help via the LCVV website here… where those needing emergency food will be directed to the application process.
Alternatively, people can be referred direct by the usual referrers including GPs/Healthcare staff, Lewes District Council – Housing Services or Adult Social Care, Lewes Children’s Centre, Housing Associations (and social housing providers), Citizen’s Advice or local church leaders. However, LCVV recognises this may be difficult at this time, so those in need can apply via the request link above.
If you are in need, please DO NOT turn up to the food hub without either a referral or contacting LCVV first. This will help the team to be super careful about hygiene and social distancing and keep everyone safe.
Donations of food
The Emergency Food Hub will be accepting donations of food, which can be dropped off at Trinity St John sub Castro on Abinger Place, Mon-Fri 10am -12noon. Anyone dropping donations should wait outside the building until they are spoken to by a team member.
Donations should be brought in carrier bags and can include:
- Tinned meat and fish
- Pasta and rice
- Tinned vegetables and fruit
- Cereal
- Biscuits
The hub is also looking for donations of ‘bags for life’ or sturdy carrier bags.
Hi, I bumped into Meriel today and she recommended I contact Jules Middleton regarding my availability to deliver food parcels. I live locally and have a car and would be willing to serve my local community.
Henry, you can contact Jules Middleton via the email address on another page of our website: She is the contact for the LCV Hub Food Bank. The contacts for the other food banks are given too. Lewes Coronavirus Volunteers can be contacted on so you may also be able to offer help via them. Thank you very much for responding.
My grandma is still waiting after 3 weeks
As we are not going out to shop I can’t donate food, but would like to make a regular financial contribution instead. I have got the bank account details, but would like to make a single donation and check I have input them correctly first, and that the payment has been received, before setting up a regular payment. Perhaps someone could email me and explain how I can do that?
Hi Jill
You are probably best emailing Jules Middleton at Trinity St John Sub Castro. Her email is: