In late August, Lewes District Council published a framework for its Climate Change and Sustainability strategy – the plan to enable the district to achieve net-zero carbon emissions and be climate resilient by 2030.
The council has invited anyone in the community to say what they think the detail of the strategy should involve. The strategy framework covers seven key areas: energy and the built environment, sustainable transport and air quality, biodiversity, agriculture and food, reducing waste, water, circular economy and community wealth.
Councillor Matthew Bird, Cabinet Member for Sustainability at LDC, said: “We want people to give us their views so that we create a climate change strategy that is owned and driven by the community.”
We think this is an invaluable opportunity to help shape concrete local action on the climate emergency. The TTL Steering Group is submitting comments. We strongly urge TTL supporters to submit their thoughts too – even if it’s just short comments on a few aspects that interest you.
You can read the whole framework and participate in the accompanying survey here….