Since 2007 hundreds of Lewes people have been getting together to discuss ideas and put them into action. We’ve formed groups around food, energy, waste and plastic (to name but a few) with the aim of making Lewes more sustainable and better able to deal with the effects of climate change.
Here are some of the projects and programmes TTL has achieved:
- TTL founded the award-winning Ouse Valley Energy Services Company (OVESCO), a community renewable energy company which has powered up many local businesses, schools and homes.
- TTL founded and manages our famous local currency, the Lewes Pound, which promotes small businesses and local producers, keeps money circulating in the local economy and is a flagship for a sustainable town. The Lewes Pound supports local food banks via the ‘donate a drink’ scheme.
- TTL founded the Lewes Friday Food Market in 2010 to promote sustainable local food supply, production and access.
- Eco Open Houses – opening real houses with super low energy use to the public to encourage energy efficiency and take up of renewable energy
- TTL founded Litter Free Lewes which carries out regular litter picks with residents’ groups and church groups and has encouraged cub scouts, schools and other youth groups to take up litter picks as well. The momentum built up with the local community enabled Litter Free Lewes to initiate discussions with the local council leading to action to clean up the A27 major road near the town.
Plastic Free Lewes outside Waitrose
TTL founded Plastic Free Lewes which has run many local actions and events: Plastic Ocean, Don’t Trash the Planet, awareness day outside Waitrose, There’s No Planet B. Worked with schools and Brownies on plastic awareness. We launched Lewes based videos for businesses and individuals pledging to go plastic free, and organised hemp event in Lewes Town Hall in 2019.
- Together with Lewes Town Council and numerous local groups, developed the Lewes Neighbourhood Plan over 6 years. TTL led on sustainability and developed a pioneering ecosystem approach in the Neighbourhood Plan, which is currently shortlisted for a Royal Town Planning Institute award.
- We had a group working to comment on the District Counci’s Local Plan and influenced several of the policies. We continue to work closely with the District Council and the Town Council on their declared Climate Emergency. We will have representation on the District Council’s sustainability panel.
- Organises numerous talks and debates on topics such as the UN Sustainable Development Goals; recycling and circular economy; “There’s no Planet B”. Film shows and talks are held with the award-winning sustainable Depot cinema
- Organised draught-proofing workshops with local business Snug to enable residents to carry out simple DIY measures to make their homes more energy efficient. A video on secondary glazing produced by TTL member Jill Goulder has hit over 60,000 views.
- Organised Electric Car shows in 2018 and 2019 where EV owners talk directly to the public about the experience of driving, charging, and maintaining an electric car. No dealers are involved and the aim is to give anyone thinking of buying a new car the confidence to switch to EV.
- Following concern about surface water flooding, carried out an audit across the town to identify locations suitable for rain gardens (Sustainable Drainage systems) which are now being taken forward with Brighton ChaMP for Water Project

Litter Free Lewes
In addition we have …
Produced a monthly newsletter for over ten years with what’s on locally plus articles of interest, and opinion.
Food Group
- Food up Front: Vegetable boxes to encourage people to start growing where only small spaces are available.
- Garden Buddies: Group supporting others in growing food, sharing ideas and helping
- Lunch with local farmers and food growers to talk about sustainable farming (2008)
- Giving out seedlings to encourage others to grow their own
- Open Edible Gardens day
- Free seasonal menu distribution
- Apple Pressing Day
- Food preservation workshops
- Conversational workshops on Making Food Choices
- Talk: Can being vegan save the planet? (2019)
Waste Group
Green Johanna project with County Council compost doctors encouraging people to compost all their food waste at home.
We worked with Furniture Now and ESCC on a pilot project to compost business food waste with a rocket composter installed at County Hall. Our primary role was initiating the project and talking to and surveying local business needs.
Food waste awareness day outside Tesco, talking to the public and giving them information about ways to reduce food waste.
Energy Group
In addition to founding Ovesco, running the Eco Open House weekend and the Lewes Car Show, the energy group has put on talks and discussions around wind farms and how to power Lewes in the future and the story behind the Rampion Wind Farm. There have been energy fairs held in Cliffe Precinct demonstrating energy saving. We also held a draughtbusting Sunday demonstrating simple solutions to keeping your house warm.
Eco-system services
Led by the late Colin Tingle, many events looking at what nature provides us with and how it should be valued. This has resulted in eco-system services being incorporated both into the Neighbourhood Plan and the South Downs National Park policy. In Lewes there is now Tingles Way, a route through Lewes showing how eco system services work.
Talks and discussions around banking, the local Credit Union and divestment.
Heart and Soul Group
Numerous talks, events, gatherings to share, experience and discuss our inner transition. Regular celebrations of seasonal ceremonies and experiences to bring us closer to nature and natural rhythms.
Film Group
Numberous films shown over many years.
Keep it in the Ground
This started in response to a talk in 2013 by Duncan Clarke, co-author of The Burning Question, about the need to not use most of the world’s oil, coal and gas, in order to protect the climate. They initiated a petition to East Sussex County Council about the need to divest their pension fund from fossil fuels. This campaign continues today mainly through Divest East Sussex.
10:10 group
In 2009/2010 we engaged District Council in cutting its emissions by 10%, and influenced Town Council to do energy audit. Display were held outside Waitrose and outside Waitrose with a felt tree with children’s wishes.
Lewes 2030
In collaboration with Ovesco and Community Energy South: held in 2015, to visualise zero carbon by 2030 – with energy events and festival at Linklater.
Energy Descent Action Plan
Preparing a Pathway to a Positive Future.
There’s more…
- Various celebrations, eg, Local food celebration event 2008, Do at the Depot, Seven Year Itch, 10 year event.
- Eco event at Priory School 2010 – talking to children about energy, transport, food and waste. Ovesco have worked with many local schools and Plastic Free Lewes have been to talk to children at various schools about plastic in our lives.
- 2008 – many re-skilling workshops such as making, growing and mending
- Textile group – Cloth reusable shopping bags made by Gossypium – 2007
- Schools Group – Storytelling workshops in 10 local primary schools 2007
- Car club 2007/2008
- Enterprise Group – supporting those setting up their own local enterprise
- Recycle your read – Arts Group
- SwapShop – a web based trading scheme for local goods and services
- Moving Sounds – workshops in all primary schools” Imagine a better future”
- Heat Your Greens – bulk buying of solar panels
- Forest Garden – A pilot to create an edible garden that models natural ecosystems
- – info for local businesses
- Lewes community bag – cloth bags supported by local businesses
- Village connections – regularly walking the downs and talking the Transition talk
- 2019 – organised an event on lobbying parliament
Some ideas groups have considered in the past:
- Waste group – Anaerobic digester for food waste in Lewes.
- Dealing with take-away packaging.
- Sharing tools – have a borrowing hub.
- Give and take days – giving unwanted stuff and taking things.
- Repair cafe.
- How to green your restaurant.
- Food group – Mapping fruit trees round Lewes.
- Identifying spare land for growing trees.
- Community orchard.
- Local Food Delivery.
- Mobile Shop.
- Local food branding.
- Wood hub for wood re-use.
- Textiles – encouraging sustainability in purchasing, recycling and re-use.
- Health group.
- Dream life – group formed to create a sustainable housing development creating a model for 21st century living.
- “Bring out your dead” day – day when householders put out items no longer needed on front lawns/garages.
- Water Group – Reduction of water use – awareness raising.
- Arts Group.
- Business Group.
- Setting up a bank in Lewes.
Simply wonderful – and pleased that you mention links with the UN’s Sustainable Development Goals, for which Lewes and Transition Town are are a great example.
Many congratulations on your magnificent vision in all that you have done and are doing in the Lewes community! But how have you succeeded in achieved SO much?
We are certainly making a difference but it’s an uphill struggle – Chichester District Council appointed a Climate Change Officer in 2019 and are now in the process of taking forward their Emergency Climate Action Plan and are in the process of obtaining a Climate Assembly; Eco-chi have asked to be part of a future Climate Forum.
We would nevertheless welcome any help or suggestions in encouraging our conservative council to engage with our community.
Hi Maureen – thank you for your kind words. We’ve been going a long time – so we are listing activities over the course of 13/14 years! But we are lucky enough to have a very engaged community and town/district councils.
Would it be worth organising a Zoom where we can chat to you and your colleagues about our experiences and you can talk about your challenges? Incidentally, Lewes is also setting up a “Climate Hub” – a physical space in town where a range of community groups, including us, will publicise events, projects and ideas to engage local people in tackling climate change. That might be something for Chichester to consider?