Be part of LDC’s video to the UN Climate Change Conference


Lewes District Council is inviting young people across the district to say what they think the world’s leaders should be doing to solve the climate emergency. Film yourself and you could be part of a film being shared with the Global UN Climate Summit in November.

This November, the UK will be hosting the UN Climate Change Conference (often known as COP 26). This is a crucial event to get governments around the world to take co-ordinated action on global warming and environmental breakdown.

To mark the event, Lewes District Council  (LDC) is inviting young people to film themselves answering the the following question in 30 seconds or less:

“What one thing should we all start doing now to stop climate change?”

Permission should be sought from a parent or guardian. Films should then be sent via WhatsApp to 07591 189 977.

LDC will then create a short film of some of the best ideas and share this on social media – including addressing it to world leaders attending the UN Climate Change Conference. LDC says: “Be as creative as you like – the more inventive and original your ideas the better!”

If you are under 18 it’s really important that you check with your parent or guardian first and get their help filming and sending your video. The deadline for sending in videos is 5pm, Friday 20 July. 



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