Open: Satuday 22 & Sunday 23 September
11am-1pm & 2-4pm
The Green House, Ripe BN8 6BD
The Green House was a tired looking, anonymous 1960s house, expensively heated by oil, when Nicholas and Heather Worsley bought it in 2007. They decided on a total facelift, under the direction of local architects BBM, involving superinsulation with natural materials and the installation of a biomass pellet boiler for near emissions-free heating. Underfloor heating provides gentle background warmth and over 50% of hot water is provided by solar panels. Renovating in this way has proved a far more sustainable solution than the alternative of demolition and rebuild. Chestnut cladding and elegant high performance windows have totally transformed the appearance, resulting in a beautiful, low emission house with a contemporary feel.