Green Steyning talk: Rob Hopkins on ‘From What Is to What If’


Thursday 1 July, 7.30pm-9pm, online, free (donations welcome)

Photo Credit: Miriam Klingl

Rob Hopkins, co-founder of the transition town movement, will be joining Green Steyning online to talk about his recent book: ‘From What Is to What If: Unleashing the Power of Imagination to Create the Future We Want’. 

According to the Times Educational Supplement, Hopkins’ book “cements what most of us hope for: for everything to be okay – and not just now, in the present. He offers us a future that most aspire to: a future in which communities and environments blossom, political furore and the words “Brexit” and “Covid” no longer loom over our society, education is no longer all about exam results and, most significantly, people work together for the common good.

“… From What Is to What If is a call to action to reclaim and unleash our collective imagination, told through the stories of individuals and communities around the world who are doing it now, as we speak, and witnessing often rapid and dramatic change for the better.”

There will be a short presentation from Rob, a discussion with Paul Hannam and the chance to ask questions.

You can book a free ticket, or choose to make a small donation at:  

There is also more information here




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