Our new climate roadshow needs a sustainable transport solution!

Can you help?


Transition Town Lewes has received funding to host a roadshow around Lewes District showing how we can all can take practical action on climate change. It’s going to be colourful, musical and interactive. Now we’re looking for a suitable vehicle to transport the roadshow from place to place.


Transition Town Lewes is delighted to have been awarded funding from The National Lottery Community Fund, distributed by Transition Together, for a new interactive climate action roadshow.

Our ‘Create the Future Roadshow’ in collaboration with Moving Sounds, Ovesco and Greencuisine Trust will be visiting towns and villages in Lewes District in summer 2023 with music, games and inspiring ideas to explore how we can all build a more sustainable world – starting in our own local communities.

But first off, we need to find a suitable vehicle in which we can transport the roadshow from location to location. If you have any ideas for a vehicle that:

– can securely transport equipment, scenery, costumes and more
– is low carbon (eg electric, or runs on cooking fat, etc)
– can be hired at weekends during the summer for free or at a competitive cost
– could potentially be (temporarily) decorated so people easily spot us coming

…we want to hear from you! And if you’d like the roadshow to visit your town, village or parish in Lewes District this summer – give us a shout.

Email us at enquiries@transitiontownlewes.org or comment in the box below.

Image by wendy CORNIQUET from Pixabay



  1. Tim Rabjohns

    I think the easiest solution would be to hire/buy a long trailer that could be towed by an electric vehicle. That way the trailer could be detatched when not in use and reduce costs. the trailer could be sold when finished with.

    • Juliet Helen Oxborrow

      Good idea Tim – we’re looking into it! Lots of second-hand trailers on the market – especially old farm ones..


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