
  The River Ouse could be a focus of community life in Lewes, with riverside pedestrian/cycle routes linking shops and homes with the countryside to north and south. The Neighbourhood Plan is developing a River Corridor Strategy that could improve access to the river for walking and leisure, and link important wildlife habitats through the urban area. People could enjoy riverside pubs and cafes, something Lewes lacks at present. Wetland habitats to the north and south could be linked by green/blue corridors along the river.

A group from TTL (and others) are putting together firm ideas to translate into a series of policies to come under this strategy.  Our key focus is riverside connections for people and wildlife, whilst prioritising flood resilience. The Strategy is still evolving and plans will have to be approved in a local referendum, before they can influence any new development. We would love to hear your ideas – please contact Kirsten Firth. We would also very much welcome support for the policy ideas we are putting forward for this strategy, which will become available via the Lewes Neighbourhood Plan website www.lewes4all.uk.

There are other policy areas where transition ideas can help benefit the Lewes Neighbourhood Plan and where views from Lewes residents and people who work in Lewes are actively being sought by the consultants to the Neighbourhood Plan – Feria Urbanism. For further information, please contact Colin Tingle or follow the link to the on-line questionnaire at www.lewes4all.uk.


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