Plastic Free Lewes is up and running! Our first Plastic Action workshop on 13 January attracted over 70 people and a similar number is expected at the second workshop on Wednesday 31 January.

At the workshops (pictured), participants have been invited to share the ideas in which they’d most like to get involved to help reduce unnecessary plastic, and tackle plastic pollution, in Lewes.

So far, this has led to the creation of seven ‘Plastic Action’ groups:

  1. Alternative materials – Exploring and promoting what we can use instead of plastic
  2. Drinking water – Cutting the need for disposable water bottles e.g. by establishing a water refill scheme and lobbying for water fountains in town
  3. Education – Raising public awareness of plastic pollution and how we can each tackle it, including by working with local schools and colleges
  4. Lobbying – Working to change legislation at the local, national and international level and pressuring national retail chains to improve their plastic practice
  5. Produce & local retailers – Supporting local cafes, restaurants and other businesses to help cut their use of plastic, and finding other ways to help consumers buy ‘plastic free’
  6. Recycling – Working to improve plastic recycling services and uptake of them, and demystifying what happens to our plastic rubbish
  7. Supermarkets – lobbying national supermarkets to cut their use of plastic packaging 




Want to get involved?

If you think there are other areas where we should take action on plastic – or you’d like to join one of the groups above, come and get involved!

Plastic Free Lewes will hold monthly meetings to report on progress, share ideas and discuss next steps – and everyone’s welcome to come along. See dates below.

Plastic Free Lewes monthly meeting dates
All meetings take place at the Linklater Pavilion, Railway Lane, Lewes:

Wed 28 February
Sat 17 March
Wed 11 April
Wed 9 May
Wed 6 June
Wed 18 July
Wed 15 August
Wed 12 September
Wed 24 October
Wed 21 November
Wed 12 December  

7.30pm-9pm, FREE
10am-1pm (£5/concs available)
7.30pm-9pm, FREE
7.30pm-9pm, FREE
7.30pm-9pm, FREE
7.30pm-9pm, FREE
7.30pm-9pm, FREE
7.30pm-9pm, FREE
7.30pm-9pm, FREE
7.30pm-9pm, FREE
Plastic Free Lewes Christmas drinks!

Join in on Facebook

To stay in the loop, you can also join the Plastic Free Lewes group on Facebook (and invite friends to join too)


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