In 2019, Plastic Free Lewes will be inviting individuals, shops, businesses and other organisations in Lewes to sign up to the Plastic Free Lewes Pledge – a promise to cut down on single-use plastic, a big culprit behind global plastic pollution.
To inspire people to sign up to the pledge, which will be launched this spring, Plastic Free Lewes are making a film and they want you to be part of it.
How you can get involved
Simply film a 7-10 second selfie video on your phone, stating ONE thing you’re doing to cut down on single-use plastic and send it to Plastic Free Lewes (below).
It could be that you’ve got yourself a reusable takeaway coffee cup. Or you’re taking your own containers when you go grocery shopping. Or you’ve lobbied your supermarket to use less plastic. Whatever you’re doing they want to hear about it and feature you in their film!
How to film your Pledge selfie:
To help our film makers, please follow these simple steps when making your pledge selfie:
Step 1: Get the right conditions
– Film during the daytime
– Be outdoors or in good light (but not in direct sunlight)
– Keep away from loud background noise
Step 2: Know what you are going to say
– Rehearse your pledge out loud a few times
– Start with ‘I pledge to…”
– Keep it simple – just one action you pledge
Step 3: Frame yourself
– Hold your phone vertically / portrait style
– Put your face in the middle of the frame
– Look into the actual camera on your phone (not the screen)
– Check again you’re not in direct sunlight
Step 4: Pace yourself
– Press “RECORD” and wait a few seconds before talking
– Deliver your pledge starting “I pledge to…”
– Keep your pledge short, maximum 5 seconds
– Once you have said your pledge, wait a few seconds
– Then say: “Sign the Pledge!”
– Wait a few seconds then end “RECORD”
Click on the video below for an example pledge:
You can send your selfie video to Plastic Free Lewes in two ways:
- Send via What’s App to 07931 362 553
- Email to (put subject as ‘PFL Pledge video’)
Please send in your selfie, together with your name, by the end of February. If you’re finding it hard to record yourself – ask someone to film you. But do send one in! The more selfie videos we can get, the more powerful our film will be. If you have any questions or need help with filming, call the Plastic Free Lewes team on 07887 556 177.