The need to take action to avoid dangerous climate change has never been greater – and that is according to school children in Lewes and across Europe. In response OVESCO has just launched their most recent share offer to install solar panels on local schools. More about Ovesco Community Share Offer
At TTL’s There Is No Planet B event at the Lewes Town Hall on Saturday 1st June OVESCO Sunny Solar Schools announced their second community share offer. The aim is to raise £158,000 to install 140kW of solar panels initially for five schools in Sussex. Local schools will benefit from lower, and guaranteed, electricity prices and reduced carbon emissions. Investors are expected to receive 4% interest per year from the second anniversary of the installation; as well as the return of all their capital in 20 years. The share offer opens on Saturday 15th June and closes on Friday 27th September 2019. This will enable the panels to be installed during the summer holidays.
OVESCO Sunny Solar Schools already installed panels on two schools that are performing well and has pre-registered 16 schools for the government’s feed-in-tariff. As soon as a school is shown to be suitable and economically viable OVESCO will raise additional funds to install panels on the school. This is a long term investment that will bring long term benefits to schools, investors and the local community.

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As part of the project each school will receive their own display monitor. The display consists of a set of slides, developed with the school, that will show how their solar panels are performing alongside the school’s own electricity consumption – a large scale smart meter. The slides will also have individual messages from each school from their eco-clubs.
In Lewes, Southover and Western Road schools, amongst others, have held climate awareness days. The key message on the children’s posters and placards: There Is No Planet B. Combine this with David Attenborough’s recent programme: ‘Climate Change – the Facts’, which starkly outlines the threat of climate change globally, and the recent declarations of a ‘Climate Emergency’ by the UK Government and our own Lewes Town Council means now really is the time to act.
If you would like to invest in this timely project or would like to know more please visit or email
Lots of sunny solar schools signed up for the Feed-in Tariff which ends for community energy March 2020. OVESCO Sunny Solar Schools juts needs to raise the money to invest in the share offer.