Link to Ovesco Community Share Offer newsThe need to take action to avoid dangerous climate change has never been greater – and that is according to school children in Lewes and across Europe. In response OVESCO has just launched their most recent share offer to install solar panels on local schools.

If you would like to invest or for more information please click HERE for a prospectus, visit or email

OVESCO Sunny Solar Schools (OSSS) has already successfully supported local community energy by installing solar panels on the roofs of schools of two schools in Sussex, in addition to OVESCO’s other established projects.  Following this success, our second share offer aims to raise a minimum of £158,000 to install 140kW solar PV panels on at least five additional schools.  Other schools will be added once feasibility studies have been completed on the 16 Sussex schools that OVESCO has pre-registered to be eligible for the Government’s feed-in tariff.

Take a look at the Ovesco Ovesco Sunny Solar Schools sunbeam jar – you can invest and fill the jar too!

Local schools will benefit from reduced carbon emissions and lower, guaranteed, electricity prices.  Investors are expected to receive 4% interest per year from the second anniversary of the installation; as well as the return of all their capital within 20 years.  The share offer opened on Saturday 15 June and closes on Friday 27 September 2019.  This will enable the panels to be installed during the summer holidays, where possible.

Link to Ovesco Community Share Offer news

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CLEAN ENERGY FROM THE SUN: Each school will receive their own display monitor showing slides developed with the school.


The slides show how the school’s solar panels are performing shown alongside the school’s own electricity consumption – a large scale smart meter.  Individual messages from the school’s eco-club show what actions students, teachers and parents can do now.

Now is the time for us all to take action to prevent dangerous climate change.  Investing in OVESCO Sunny Schools is one way you can help.  This is a long term investment that will bring long term benefits to schools, investors and the local community.

If you would like to invest or for more information please click HERE for a prospectus, visit or email


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