Launched in 2008 the Lewes Pound supports local independent businesses, encourages local producers and attracts visitors to Lewes from all over the world. Its striking series of paper notes and their iconic designs have contributed greatly to Lewes’s sense of identity and community. Over 100 businesses accept Lewes Pounds and over LP 1,000 are spent every month with local traders. However, most of our purchases are now made electronically – using internet banking, smart cards and even mobile phones.
Fiona Kay from award winning Cheese Please on Lewes High Street commented ‘We have customers who use Lewes Pounds regularly. An electronic Lewes Pound sounds a great idea and worth exploring.”
To take this idea forward the Lewes Pound is seeking a paid part-time researcher for a short project to look at the merits of introducing an electronic version of the Lewes Pound. Supported by South Downs National Park and East Sussex Credit Union the project will look at the needs of Lewes and assess the benefits to the local community, local economy and local environment. Electronic currencies are working in Bristol and Brixton but how could they work in Lewes?
If you would like to apply and are interested in research, new technology and in local issues please contact The Lewes Pound at The deadline for applications is Tuesday 19th May 2015.
An open meeting is scheduled to discuss this study. All are welcome at the Rights of Man pub at 7.30pm on Tuesday 19th May.
The Lewes Pound is grateful for the support of Bill’s, Cheese Please, Frank Richards & Sons, Harveys, Just Trade Food Co-op, Knill James, Laportes, 50 Sheep, Lewes Town Council, South Downs National Park, Pelham House and Transition Town Lewes.