Litter Free Lewes, a Transition Town Project, has successfully carried out around two to three litter picks a month since November 2017. Volunteers have collected well over 500 bags of litter, recycling, and a huge amount of fly tipping. Litter Free Lewes have also attended school fairs, litter picked with schools, and presented to pupils and local college students, often followed by litter picks. They hope to continue engaging with schools and are also looking for volunteers to help ensure recycling ends up in the right bins at the Patina and Starfish in the Park events.

Milly, founder of Litter Free Lewes, is particularly looking for one volunteer who could commit to leading one litter pick per month, around 3 hours in total. This would mean choosing a date and location to suit the leader, collecting equipment and taking it to the start of the litter pick, sharing the equipment and giving some guidelines, collecting the equipment from volunteers at the end, ensuring litter and fly tipping found is left in a convenient location near a road, and emailing the relevant Lewes District Council contact to request collection on the following Monday. This role could of course be shared.

Litter picking is at times shocking, but more often than not is really rewarding, great exercise, a good way to socialise, and to feel more deeply connected to our local environment.

If you’d like to join a pick please look at the Litter Free Lewes Facebook group events or and search Lewes for details.

If you are interested in being a leading volunteer, please email Milly at