Lewes Greenpeace Group successfully relaunched!
At a meeting at the Climate Hub in early November, 14 people came in person or on Zoom and agreed the Lewes Greenpeace Group should be relaunched, reports Debbie Annells. This is great news – thanks to all who have made it happen. Here’s what’s coming up!
Our first action!
The first Action Event is on Saturday 30 November 2024 at 11am (until 2pm) outside Boots the Chemist on Eastgate Street corner, for an Action stall to sign the petition to Steve Reed MP, Minister for the Environment, and to the UN to sign the Global Plastics Treaty currently being negotiated to end production of unrecyclable plastics, among other matters. All welcome to come and sign the petition and have a go at the Plastics Quiz (it’s not easy!).
Inaugural monthly meeting
Also please come along to the first Lewes Greenpeace Group monthly meeting. This will begin with an online end-of year get-together with other Greenpeace volunteers around the country, followed by a Lewes group meeting to discuss local activities and how to get involved.
When: Tuesday 10 December, 6pm
Where: The House of Friendship, 208 High Street, Lewes
Attending online: If you can’t make it to the House of Friendship, you can join the national Greenpeace get-together and our own local meeting both remotely:
6.00pm: Greenpeace National End of Year Get-Together
7.15pm: Lewes Greenpeace Group Meeting Zoom link (Meeting ID: 982 8107 9582)
More details and how to attend at Greenpeace Greenwire here.
Also, check out the revamped Lewes Greenpeace Facebook page, which also has links and details.
If you need any more information about the meeting or Greenpeace, don’t hesitate to contact Evie on 07852 903873.