Lewes Climate Hub opens its doors

Lewes Climate Hub opened on 22 May with a ceremony that included the Mayor of Lewes, the Chair of the District Council, a leading poet, a musician and an opera singer – all on Fisher Street in semi-lockdown in Saturday traffic! See footage and photos from the day below.

Lewes Climate Hub is one of the first community emergency centres to be opened in the UK – a physical space where anyone can find out information about climate change and the environmental crisis, and explore ideas on action to take.

Based at 2 Fisher Street in central Lewes (just around the corner from the Lewes Tourist Information), the Hub has been created by an alliance of around 20 local community and environmental groups, including Transition Town Lewes.

Premises have been provided at an affordable rent by Lewes District Council and initial start-up funding by Lewes Town Council.

As well as signposting visitors to projects and activities run by its affiliate member groups, the Hub intends to hold its own talks, workshops, events, projects and campaigns.

The Hub will be staffed by volunteers and will be open Tuesday to Saturday, 10am-4pm. But it needs everyone’s support. If you would like to volunteer to help staff the Hub, or you’re part of a local group that would like to become an affiliate to the Hub, or you would like to support its work financially or with other resources, do get in touch by emailing info@lewesclimatehub.org.

Learn more at www.lewesclimatehub.org

See highlights of the opening below, which featured performances by poet Grace Nichols, opera singer Noa Lachman and multi-instrumentalist Dirk Campbell. Apologies for traffic noise – the irony of having a climate hub on the busiest street in Lewes!

Thanks to Tim Rabjohns and Imogen Makepeace for the films, and Katie Vandyck for the photographs.

Performances and speeches

Soprano opera singer Noa Lachman sings ’One Fine Day’ from ‘Madame Butterfly’

Poet Grace Nichols recites her poem ‘For Forest’ 








  1. Sarah Hawkes

    What a shame that you have chosen the most polluted street in Lewes to open a climate hub!!!

    • TTL

      Even more ironically, it turns out the air quality monitoring device is located directly above the Hub! Lewes Climate Hub are planning to access the data and use it to bring attention to the terrible pollution levels.


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