There is now a new group under the TTL banner, called Lewes & Ouse Valley Eco-nomics (L&OVe). This group will be looking at the things that the Lewes economy gets for free from the local environment, (things like pollination, water purification, flood protection, nutrient cycling, carbon storage, etc.) but that are already threatened or in decline. We will be trying to identify the most important of these ‘services’ for the local economy; which local businesses and institutions benefit from them; possibly putting a monetary value on them; and investigating what can be done to help the local economy by enhancing the ecosystems locally that provide these ‘services’. We will also be looking at what role the Lewes Pound may have within this process.

It’s all about the resilience of the local economy and recognising what the mainstream economy currently doesn’t recognise nor put value on, yet actually underpins all businesses and all life on earth. Please come and join us!