Campaigners from around East Sussex have launched a new brochure and web tool to help members of the East Sussex Pension Fund (ESPF) lobby the County Council to reinvest the £172 million it currently has invested in the coal, oil and gas industries. See Fossil Free Hastings


Members of the East Sussex Pension Fund can use the new web tool to contact the chair of the East Sussex Pension Committee, Richard Stogdon, and urge the Committee to divest the Fund from fossil fuels (oil, coal and gas). A printed brochure with a tear-off slip addressed to the Committee chair, suitable for Pension Fund members to share with their colleagues, is also available free on request from Fossil Free Hastings, c/o Ore Place Farmhouse, TN34 2RA or

There is also an ongoing petition on the East Sussex County Council website

Investments in fossil fuels pose risks to many local people’s pensions: Bank of England Governor Mark Carney warns that investors in fossil fuels face “potentially huge” losses from climate change action that could make vast reserves of oil, coal and gas “literally unburnable”. Such investments are damaging the balance of our climate, and a wide range of workplaces, universities and local governments around the world have already committed to divest (i.e. move their money away) from fossil fuel companies.

The East Sussex Pension Fund – which is administered by the County Council – currently has an estimated £172m invested in fossil fuels. In April, Hastings Borough Council – a member of the Pension Fund – passed a unanimous cross-party motion, calling on East Sussex County Council to divest the East Sussex Pension Fund from fossil fuels.  More information here… or email