Why don’t we all switch to Heat Pumps?

Neil Williams
Neil Williams, March 2019
Everyone involved in TTL is very aware of the perils of Climate Change and the need to face up to the CO2 emissions arising from our own lifestyles.
I’ve long been an enthusiast for making houses more “low carbon” and past Lewes ECO Open House events have focused heavily on improvements in insulation to try and reduce overall energy usage. However, whilst insulation is still important, the focus is now shifting toward low carbon heating.
This has led me to take the plunge to switch from a gas boiler to an Air Source Heat Pump(ASHP) at my own house in Lewes. I don’t expect lower heating bills, but am doing it as a powerful way to cut my emissions at little or no net cost. Read more…
Transition is about the creation of resilient communities. It’s not about campaigning but designing. It’s about putting in place systems that will help us to deal with the big changes that are on the way. Those changes will be in three main areas: energy, the economy and the environment.
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