The Festive Do at All Saints was an eclectic mix celebrating all things local to Lewes – with a strong environmental & sustainable ethos. It was all about building community, trading locally, inspiring positive change & having a party at the same time.

We launched the Lewes Online Swopshop
: an exciting new initiative, which enables the exchange of goods & services – within the Lewes community – trading through an easy online credit system of swops, without cash changing hands. It’s like eBay without the cash!

We held our first World Café
at Bills Produce Store. About 25 people got together to discuss the question: Do we really want to be fed by supermarkets? Take a look at the resource page for weaning ourselves off supermarkets on our wiki

The 10:10 Group
and supporters set up a stall outside Waitrose which was seen by hundreds of people, many of whom signed up to 10:10. They also held an Open Space discussion in the evening which generated plenty of ideas for spreading the 10:10 message.

The TTL Waste Group, working with Furniture Now & with European funding, initiated a project to launch the Lewes Rocket waste composter. The facility was trialled at County Hall for six months & then opened-up to commercial producers of food waste.

A Village Connections Group
was set up to help to improve communications between those living in Lewes Transition Town & the surrounding villages.




We completed a trial year of the Lewes Pound – created to keep money circulating locally; to support local businesses & avoid unnecessary transportation of goods. We launched higher denominations at the Do at the Depot: a high-profile event for Lewes people.

Through workshops with Priory School, we created a Schools Eco-pack highlighting top tips & benefits to schools who want to be green. It’s a free publication & will be distributed throughout Britain.

We held an Eco Open House day, where twelve houses of various designs were open to the public for viewing and ideas.

We held a second Energy Fair, in June, in Cliffe High Street.

Through Ovesco (an initiative set up by the Energy Group), we distributed nearly 200 energy grants to Lewes District householders for renewables such as solar water heaters and woodburning stoves.  An energy advice line was set-up offering information on insulation.

Food Up Front was established as an initiative to encourage householders to grow food in small areas.

We set-up a pilot composting project in a street in Lewes with funding from ESCC.

We helped Lewes District Council organise Seedy Saturday for the third year running.




Click here to read what happened with TTL in 2010

Click here to read what happened with TTL pre 2009


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