Their message:

Here at The Helping Arms Eco Project we are trying to address the social, political, economic and ecological barriers to food security. Gaining access to affordable, organic food is a right that must be available to all, and achieving local self-sufficiency and creating economic opportunities are major challenges to lower-income people. The Helping Arms Eco Project, with its community gardens, simultaneously addresses these issues and is part of a growing food justice movement which we aim to spread all across the country. We are open to all that wish to better the world around them, to make new friends and build a growing community of like-minded people.

Our founder is Mathew Moulding, a local man with good roots in the local community. As the chairman of the Malling and District Food Bank, Mathew noticed a need to bring our community together, not only to help the low income people of our town, but to help ourselves by helping others. I asked him once why he is working for this project and this was his response: “We should be ashamed of ourselves if one person goes hungry or is left to be lonely in a time of fast planes and mobile phones.” He told me: “never has man been so far apart from each other“.

Please come along and be inspired to help others, while making a better life for yourselves. We are friendly and fun and we have lots of things planned over the year so watch this space!

For more information or to get involved please email:  we are located at Cockshut Road Lewes, opposite the Lewes tennis and hockey club. All are welcome!