Can you help tend Lewes Trinity churchyards?


The three Trinity churches in Lewes are looking for volunteers to help maintain their churchyards. Anyone who’d like to help is warmly invited to join the team on the second Saturday of each month

The Trinity church group features three of Lewes’ loveliest churches – the Church of St Michael in South Malling, St John sub Castro in the Pells, and Southover Church on Southover High Street. All three churches are fortunate to have extensive grounds supporting a wealth of nature. But more help is needed to keep each churchyard looking its best and helping nature to flourish.

If you’d like to help maintain the Trinity churchyards there is a working party that meets on the second Saturday of each month. Regular jobs include scything, raking up cut grass and leaves, weeding and cutting back brambles.

Tools, drinks and snacks are provided but volunteers need to bring their own a pair of work gloves.

The group meets at 10am and stays until about 12 or 1pm.

Upcoming dates and locations

12th November, 10am-1pm, Southover Churchyard, Lewes

10th December, 10am-1pm, South Malling Churchyard, Lewes

If you interested in helping, please contact Liz and Tom Lunt to learn more:


Mobile: 07773784418



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