The Heart and Soul Group are not active together this year, although we are all still pursuing many ideas and activities in our various ways. If anyone would like to re-activate the group, please contact Sue Fleming: 07855777715
A Time to Remember
A deeper experience of Halloween
Sunday 1 November 2015, 3.30pm for 4-6pm at the Tin Tab, Barcombe BN8 5TJ. £5 on the door (if you can afford it) to help us cover the costs of booking the Tin Tab. After a pause of a year or so, the TTL Heart & Soul group are coming together again to celebrate autumn & all this time of year brings with the light diminishing. Join us at the Tin Tab & around a fire outdoors to take time together and reconnect with our ancestors. Please bring along an object that represents an ancestor. Email rankinmissp@live.co.uk or suemfleming@gmail.com or text Sue Fleming on 07855 777715 |
Peak Medicine: Healthcare in Transition
30th May 2015, 10am to 1pm at Subud Centre, 26a Station St, Lewes BN7 2DB. Suggested donation £5-10. Email: Prue Rankin-Smith or Sue Fleming
In all nations, healthcare is becoming unsustainable. Although there will have to be money pumped into the NHS, health is really too important to leave to the medical profession. Nor are health and human flourishing something they know about.
If madness, according to Einstein, is doing the same thing repeatedly and expecting a different result, then if we are to flourish together we will soon have to find radically different ways of doing health. More… |
Crucible Moments: working creatively with human responses to crisis
Saturday 7 December, 10am-5pm. Subud Centre, 26 Station St, Lewes. £12, always negotiable.
Hetty Einzig helped bring Be The Change to the UK. The Crucible is an alchemical symbol of transformation. There is darkness and light in the Crucible, but if we can work honestly, openly and creatively with these elements then we emerge from the crucible with gold: stronger, with more energy, and able to engage more realistically in positive action. More… |
Contact: Sue 07855777715, or Prue.
Sophy Banks on the Power of Not Doing Stuff
Sophy Banks, one of the key developers of the Inner Transition approach and co-creator of the Transition Training, reflects on whether it’s just as important to not do stuff.
Rob Hopkins asks Sopy Banks ‘how would you describe Inner Transition? What’s Inner Transition for you?’ |
How does Heart and Soul fit in with TTL?
They offer the following:
An opportunity to explore personal and inner change, in response to the outer environmental change at this transitional time.
Safe spaces where people can connect and express through mind, heart and soul, their personal experience in response to the ups and downs of transition.
Meaningful events to provide a platform for connection and to build a supportive and resilient community.
They’re inclusive and welcome people from all walks of life; they’re an integral part of TTL and are available as a resource.
Take part and keep up to date with the Heart and Soul ning…
As we undergo who knows what kind of change in the coming months and years, how will we respond mentally, emotionally and spiritually to these changes? And what support do we have as a community that is uniting and accessible to all?
In response to these questions, as an on-going initiative the Heart and Soul group hold monthly sessions. (link) They are loosely structured, to create a safe, open and confidential space, so that individuals can share whatever arises from mind, heart and soul, in an atmosphere of mutual acceptance. Everyone is welcome to come along.
TTL Heart and Soul Group contact is Sue Fleming
Past Events
Stress, Resilience and the Heart-brain connection: a TTL Heart & Soul workshop introducing HeartMath
Are you interested in stress? In ways of being more effective? I certainly am. So having found HeartMath a great help in my own work (I’m a medical doctor, a researcher and an osteopath) I recently trained to teach it, with the idea of offering some classes to the community, and exploring what a ‘heart-centred’ approach to Transition might mean. |
If this possibility appeals to you, the TTL Heart & Soul Group are holding a workshop from 10 until 4.30 on Saturday September 14th at Subud House. The class is free but we need an average contribution of £20 to cover the room and materials. Please bring a snack lunch for the 1 o’clock break. Numbers are limited to 12 so please email me for the booking form asap (subject line ‘heartmath booking’) to info@resilienceuk.co.uk On booking we will need a cheque for £20 made out to TTL. More on HeartMath here…
David Peters for TTL Heart & Soul Organising Group.
8th & 9th June 2013 – a two day workshop with Cedar Barstow at Emerson College, Forest Row. Supported by the TTL Heart & Soul group.
This workshop will look at how we align our inner values & strength with outer action. There will be the opportunity to explore disparity of power or ineffectiveness that leads to conflict and discover ways to repair and heal. At all levels; whether its in our personal relationships, our community interactions or the challenging global situations we face, being able to work with the ‘Right use of Power’ is an essential ingredient to effective change. To register… |
Cedar Barstow is coming from Kalimantan, Indonesia. Cedar is the founder and director of Right Use of Power – an organization that provides workshops, facilitator trainings and consulting services. Her program focuses on providing the skills and awareness needed to use your personal and professional power effectively and with wisdom and heartfulness.
Heart & Soul Winter Event: Navigating Change
Wednesday 14 December, 7pm- 9.30pm, Subud Centre, Lewes.
An invitation from Transition Town Lewes Heart and Soul Group:
Mike Grenville is joining us for an evening to explore the challenges and opportunities the fast-approaching changes are bringing us.
With every day that passes it is becoming harder to deny that big changes are occurring in the way that the world works. It might be the collapse of the Euro and the global finance system, the decline of capitalism itself or the advent of peak oil, accelerating species extinction or a long list of other threats to the way we live. But where is all this taking us? One thing seem certain: pretty soon our expectations will have to change.
This talk will build on the recent Transition Social Reporters article ‘Navigating change‘. Together we will explore how change happens in Nature and society. What sort of tools-for-change can we use to help ourselves as individuals and communities respond to the challenges and opportunities that could face us with?
Donation £8-5 towards costs. The talk will start promptly at 7.30pm and will be followed by participation and discussion. Drinks available. Let us know if you’d like to come: email Sue Fleming or tel. 07855777715.
Event Feedback
Our April monthly meeting was an exploration of wellbeing, health & the sickness service the NHS provides, led by Dr Dave Peters & Dr Liz Archer. Plans for a healthy living group & community herb garden emerging. Thanks to Amy & Liz for a great, detailed report of the event.
What do we really mean by health, wellbeing, resilience? What is it humans need – individually and collectively – to be healthy, and where do these needs (physical, mental, spiritual, social, global) fit with the ‘big picture’? How do political-economic systems erode cooperative, supportive communities and fuel new patterns of sickness and social breakdown? Enmeshed as we are in the Industrial-consumer culture, what can we do to build local resilience? Personal, local and global health seem to be inter-dependent when seen holistically.