You can plant almost anything in March, or you could, if the ground was not so depressingly wet. Walking on wet beds is not good for soil or carpets, and if the damp persists anything you have planted out might well rot. Raised beds, of course, are quick to warm and to dry. The weeds are already flourishing, and if you can get a hoe to them now, you will save trouble later. There is much to be done indoors – tomato, pepper, cucumber and aubergine seeds can go into the propagator, if you have one; in most cases, putting pots in sandwich bags will do just as well.

  Obviously we will watch the weather, and do what we can, when we can. Assuming you have washed all your pots, sharpened your tools, disinfected the greenhouse and serviced your mower (no, nor have I), perhaps this might be a good time to plan some new project. And wouldn’t a decent herb garden be a good one?
More here by Jon Gunson…