Lewes Shop Local Eat Local Questionnaire Results

Full results of the Lewes Shop Local Eat Local questionnaire are now available. 
There is a five-page summary with charts, and an appendix with all the
individual responses
(with personal details removed). Printed copies of
the main report will be available also, and distributed to shops,
stallholders and some others.

Thanks very much to all the
organisations and individuals who helped to distribute the
questionnaire, and everyone who took part. Some really interesting ideas
emerged. The Food Group will be in touch with everyone who wanted to
help promote local food and local independent shops and markets.  Ann Link, TTL Food Group.

Shop Local Eat Local is a project of Transition Town Lewes Food Group. Click here to link to Where To Buy

More about the Food Group…

Who we are
We’re a group of local people who feel
passionate about food. We’re also concerned about climate change and
peak oil. We want to find ways to make sure Lewes can feed itself in
future – in a way that reduces carbon emissions and uses less energy.

What are we aiming to do?
Support Lewes in making
the change to a low carbon, low energy future at every stage of the
food cycle. We believe this means thinking about how to:

  • farm organically to minimise use of oil – based fertilisers
  • transport and sell food in a way that reduces carbon emissions
  • encourage people to buy local food, cook their own food and not throw good food way
  • make sure everyone gets access to a healthy diet

How are we doing this?
We’re starting some local
projects to get lots of people thinking about these ideas and to start
making changes themselves. Some of these have been pilot schemes while
other projects are ongoing.


Our pride and joy is the Lewes Food Market
which opened during July 2010 and was a way of putting some of the
groups’ aims into practical actions: supporting local producers, cutting
carbon emissions in food production and transport, as well as making
fresh produce available on a weekly basis. Based right in the centre of
town (in the old Market Tower) every Friday morning, it gathers together
the best of local food and produce from a 30 mile radius around Lewes.

weekly market is run as a social enterprise by a new Lewes company,
Lewes Local C.I.C.[ Community Interest Company] which employs a market
manager and is very proving popular with local people.

Fish for the Future
– We organised a delicious fish supper at Pelham House followed by a
screening of ‘End of the Line’. It was a real wake-up call for the 90
people who came along and they left vowing to cut their fish consumption
and always question the provenance of the fish they do consume. Eat
local and seasonal food is the overriding message – as always.
Local Food for Lewes
– With rising food prices and predicted food shortages we all need to
plan for the future. Patrick Holden of the Soil Association came to
Lewes to talk about building resilience into our lives. Almost 100
people (including a number of local farmers) attended the event and
lively discussions continued late into the evening.

Seedy Saturday
a day to find seeds, friendly advice, inspiration and hot soup on a
cold day! There was a chutney competition with the legendary Marguerite
Patten as judge plus workshops, talks, stalls and yummy local food. We
helped Lewes District Council organise the event for the third year

Food Up Front is an ongoing initiative
encouraging householders to grow food in small areas. From balconies to
window boxes – no space is too small.

And for the future
climate change, government policies and peak oil shortages all continue
to present new challenges. The Food Group will continue to look at ways
forward to a sustainable food supply for the Lewes area using practical
and engaging solutions. Join us!

Contact: Eileen Bull 


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