Divest Parliament is a campaign getting MPs to show leadership by divesting the parliamentary pension fund from fossil fuels. They are asking all those concerned with climate change and responsible investment to lobby their MP to sign a pledge supporting this action. So far 100 cross-party MPs have signed. This is part of the general campaign for divestment from fossil fuels with which Keep It In The Ground Lewes (KIIGL) and Divest East Sussex are associated.
So far Lewes MP Maria Caulfield has not signed. Every effort should be made to bring her on board and the more people that contact her requesting her to sign the better chance of getting her to do so. In the first place send her an email. Divest Parliament have prepared a template for an email which can be personalised to deal with any issues on which the writer feels particularly strongly. Details of the template and of the pledge are at Divest Parliament
It is always better when lobbying your MP to meet and talk face to face if you can. You can do so individually or in a group. If anyone would like to join a group to try and meet Maria please contact TTL or Arnold Simanowitz of KIIGL at arnold@simanowitz.co.uk