Help food bank users buy a local treat with Lewes Pounds


The Lewes Pound was delighted to be able to give out 1,780 Lewes Pounds (LPs) to food bank clients in the run-up to Christmas. This has enabled people to have a small treat or buy something special from a local business that accepts Lewes Pounds.

Most of this money was raised via the Aviva Community Fund. We set a target of £1,000 and actually raised £1,100. Furthermore we were thrilled to be told that because Donate-a-Drink meets one of their key priorities around financial inclusion they would be giving us another £1,400.

This has now arrived in our bank account and will be used as the basis for the next lot of Lewes Pound envelopes, which we intend to give out before the Easter holidays. We are so grateful to the Aviva Community Fund for its support.

A further £270 came from our Just Giving page, which you can access here. This is still active and any further donations towards our Easter envelopes would be much appreciated

You can still, of course, Donate-a-Drink in local businesses – Cheese Please, Depot, Harveys, the Patisserie and Seasons. Simply add £3 to your bill which will be given out as envelopes of Lewes Pounds to clients of the local food banks.

We appreciate that times are hard but just an occasional £3 added to your bill at any of these outlets would mean so much to food bank clients who are really struggling.

Plus it gives many people an opportunity to buy those small things locally that can help life feel a little brighter – whether it’s children’s books, a coffee, or a trip to Depot Cinema. And in turn, that puts money back into the local economy.

Please help if you possibly can. And if you’d like to learn more, contact me at