Discovering more ethical and local investment options.
Contact: Ann Link
TTL Better Banking Group started with a session Where Does Our Money Go? in December at which some of us had read the book of similar name from New Economics Foundation (NEF). Most people felt that they wanted to move on from realisation of how bad the banking system is now to what we can do locally to build something better.
We decided we would have another meeting for the group and ask an expert in community banking to speak to us face-to-face and answer our questions.
Tony Greenham came from NEF in February and introduced himself as a former banker who left the industry during the dotcom bubble, expecting that things couldn’t get any worse, which, in due course, they did! He showed a short selection of slides to illustrate a) the structure and results of the current banking system since the 1970s; b) the alternatives and options for localising saving, lending and investment. Full notes and slides are below.
We wanted to look more closely at one of the options, and invited Carmen Appich (Finance Manager) and Nikki Plummer (Community Advocate) of East Sussex Credit Union to speak on 11th March. The ESCU wants to expand and is looking for savers: the main premises are in Brighton, but there is a weekly advice session from 10am to 2pm on Wednesdays in at the De Montford Community Flat, 33 Heron Court, Ousedale Close, Lewes, and another session from 12.30pm to 2.30pm the same day at Furniture Now! in North Street.. Full notes from the meeting are below.
Now we are planning a public meeting about a community bank on 29th June. Please get in touch if you would like to help. Contact: Ann Link 477870.
Click here to read the notes of the meeting with NEF
Click here to download Tony Greenham’s presentation
Click here to read the notes of the meeting with ES Credit Union