April 21st: Time for us all to make history


Friday 21 April could see the biggest peaceful climate protest around Parliament that the UK has ever seen as people demand a citizen-led programme to get off fossil fuels.

Last month as you may recall, I talked to TTL about what’s been nicknamed “The Big One” – the plan for 100,000 people to surround the Houses of Parliament in peaceful protest on April 21st, 2023.

Since then, conversations have been happening up and down the country – within groups, between groups, and between individuals – among friends, family, colleagues, acquaintances. And already 10,000 people have pledged that they’ll go on the day.

That’s already equivalent to the biggest climate protest in the UK to date – Extinction Rebellion’s spring uprising in 2019. And we’re a tenth of the way to our target!


An everyone thing

It’s really beginning to seem possible. But to do it will take an enormous, coordinated effort. This can’t be just an Extinction Rebellion thing. It has to be an everyone thing.

We need folk from all walks of life – individual concerned citizens, and groups large and small. We need members of the ‘big beasts’ – Greenpeace, Friends of the Earth, the National Trust, the RSBP, the Countryside Alliance and the like. We need trade unions, political parties, activists of all stripes (including, of course, you lovely Transition Town members!) From small single-issue groups to global movements, wildlife groups to book groups, we all need to pull together.

And, crucially, we need to convince those who have never taken part in anything like this (i.e. the vast majority of people), but who are nevertheless deeply worried about the vandalism that’s being perpetrated on our planet, to take to the streets for the first time.


The power of 100,000

Imagine if we got there. Imagine what 100,000 people working together could achieve. Now imagine you were one of them! How would it feel, being there, and looking back?

It really needs to happen. Look at what we’re faced with. A series of crises – Covid, fuel, cost of living. A growing understanding that these crises are linked to the big one – the climate and environmental emergency. And a supine, corrupt government seemingly hellbent on inaction and prevarication during humankind’s darkest hour.


One day to make history

So, this is a plea for you to come. To book the day off work. Just that one day. Not a week or two weeks (although people will be staying on after the 21st.) Just give up that one single day, and come to London – not to glue yourself to the road or block traffic or place yourself in danger of arrest. Just to come, and surround Parliament in a spirit of peaceful protest. And – who knows – maybe do something that will echo down the ages, that changes the world.

Let’s get together and work out together how we can make the unprecedented happen!

With love, solidarity, hope, and an unflagging belief in the human spirit.

Want to get involved or learn more? Email xrlewes@gmail.com or call 07715 303354