Add to the Lewes Mosaic Project interactive wildlife map
The Lewes Mosaic Project is working to encourage a network of natural habitats across Lewes, providing homes and food for our wonderful wildlife and bringing the town to life. And everyone is invited to help – with actions big and small!
Can you plant a window box with wildflowers? Let some (or all!) of your garden get wilder? Cut a hedgehog hole in your garden fence? Encourage your workplace to have a wilder carpark? Could you manage your allotment to be kind to wildlife?
Whatever you can do – there are so many ways to make Lewes a more friendly place for wildlife, and the Lewes Mosaic Project Team are here to help. Learn more here.
You can also add your wildlife contribution to the Lewes Mosaic Project online map, so others can see what’s happening across town and be inspired to join in.
View the Lewes Mosaic Project Map and add your contribution to it here.