Transition Town Lewes (TTL) is a voluntary organisation with many dedicated people offering their time, effort and knowledge to help make Lewes a thriving and sustainable community. As with any voluntary group, we do have regular costs to meet so that we can keep taking local action to address global problems like climate change and resource scarcity.
Invest in a sustainable future
Lewes can thrive with the collective energy and support of the people who live in and love this amazing town. Your donation will be used to support projects and ideas that can help assure sustainability – from renewable energy and green transport to local food-growing and new enterprise.
We produce a monthly email newsletter sent out to 1,000 people, maintain a website that acts as a hub of information, and put on numerous talks and events. With your help, we can do even more.
Give what you’re comfortable with, and know that your support makes all the difference.