A Book Crossing project from
the Arts Group

Project: 2007
Contact: The Arts group (now

Transition Town Lewes
Arts Group launches environmental Bookcrossing

Look around Lewes over
the coming week and you might be struck by the number of books you see lying
around in public places. Then you might notice the titles –  I
Count: Your Step-by-Step Guide to Climate Bliss, Six Degrees, Our Future on a
Hotter Planet, The Last Oil Shock, Natural Babycare
and others along a
similar theme.

This is Recycle Your
Read!, an idea developed from Bookcrossing, the international book reading
phenomenon that releases unwanted books ‘into the wild’ to be read and reviewed
by anyone who picks them up. The Lewes Bookcrossing project is the first
initiative of Transition Town Lewes Arts Group who are releasing twelve
green-themed books into the public places and spaces of the town.

Each book has a
special number that has been registered at the bookcrossing.com where the
bookfinder goes to say that he has found a particular book and hopefully what
they think of it before passing it on.

As well as saving
trees by recycling your books Transition Town Lewes Arts Group hopes to empower
community action by encouraging people to learn more about climate change, peak
oil, food security and the other long term effects of our increasingly
industrialised world.

Readers are also being
encouraged to donate books to Recycle your Read! by dropping them off at
Transition Town Lewes, 66 High
Street, Lewes BN7 1XG.

Full list of books
being released: Diggers and Dreamers (Ed. Sarah Bunker, Christine Charnock,
Chris Coates, David Hodgson and Jonathan How), I Count: Your Step-by-Step Guide
to Climate Bliss (Stop Climate Chaos); The Making of the Representative for
Planet 8 (Doris Lessing); Natural Babycare (Julia Goodwin); Animate Earth:
Science, Intuition and Gaia; Six Degrees (Stephan Harding): Our Future on a
Hotter Planet (Mark Lynas); How We Can Save the Planet (Mayer Hillman); The
Last Oil Shock (David Strahan); A Good Life: The Guide to Ethical Living(Leo
Hickman); What on Earth are We Doing? (Craig Donnellan); Energy Alternatives
and Green Baby (Gilly Smith).

For more
information about Bookcrossing click here…