Although we’re all volunteers and we provide our own content for the TTL newsletter and website, they cost us money to produce each month. Getting grants for running costs is nigh on impossible these days so we rely on donations to help. We hope you enjoy and value it as the only independent, non-political, environmental newsletter in the local area. We are struggling a bit to make ends meet so please consider even a small monthly amount to help us continue, and if you already donate, possibly increase it a bit?
Our bank details are:
Transition Town Lewes
Sort code 089299
Account number 65811030
And please reference with “DON” followed by your surname.
It would help if you could email Susan if you do decide to help us.
Thank you!
Do you believe in the power of community?
Could you spare £5-20 a month to help Transition Town Lewes raise £3000 for the year ahead?
Donate your chosen amount through PayPal by clicking below:
Or make a regular donation through PayPal by clicking below:
Alternatively, you might like to email the TTL Treasurer: Susan Murray for a standing order form or send a cheque – to avoid TTL incurring PayPal charges.
Thank you for your support!
Here’s what we need funds for…
…it’s our lifeline to you. The Transition Town Lewes website and newsletters are vital tools for spreading the word about what’s happening locally and nationally in response to climate change, economic change and peak oil.
We’ll only ask for what we need
Transition Town Lewes is non-profit making and reliant upon dozens of dedicated volunteers. We employ only one part-time person to maintain regular communications via our website and newsletters.
Give what you’re comfortable with, and know that we really do appreciate your support.
We’re living in turbulent times and your donation will help us to create a thriving, resilient town by supporting each other with practical actions and a sustainable framework for living – with a better story!
Thank You!