Cycle COP26: Join the ride of our life

1st – 4th November


A hardy and committed group of cyclists (plus support vehicle/s) are firming up on route and accommodation details for their journey up the Nations to the global COP26 climate summit in Glasgow in November – approximately a nine- to ten-day cycle ride.

The plan is to arrive in Glasgow on 1st November and stay to 4th November. Stopovers along the route are being organised. However, participants will have to make their own accommodation arrangements in Glasgow and there will be limited capacity to ferry cycles back.

If you’re interested in joining the ride, please email with your mobile number to join the Cycle Cop26 Telegram group and be kept informed of plans.

There is also talk of a ‘practice’ cycle ride to Cornwall for the G7 meeting in Carbis Bay 11-13th June!


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